St. Agatha Catholic School
Maintaining a Catholic identity is what we strive to do on a daily basis at St. Agatha. The national anthem is sung each morning followed by a prayer. This sets the tone for the classroom morning prayer and activities. Catholicity permeates the entire life of the St. Agatha family, from visible signs of our faith, to how we interact with each other. Our goal is to raise well rounded, disciplined students founded in faith as per the TCDSB's expectations for our Catholic School graduates.
The code of behaviour for the school is presently contained in the Parent Handbook as well as the school agenda. Agendas are made available to all students in September. Our parent handbook, currently under revision, is avialable on request at the office. St. Agatha adheres to the board dress code policy of blue and white.
As part of our safe schools arrival practice the school oversees all absences by phoning the parents when children are absent to assure that they are accounted for.
As we move into the 21st century technology is a school objective. We have a computer lab located in our library and sets of netbooks in our intermediate classes. There are computers in each classroom as well as three smart boards in the school. Our goal is to increase the comfort level of our satff and students with all of today's technology.
At St. Agatha we follow the school-based support team model to identify students with special needs We have regular meetings to provide modifications to programs for individual students. We request special assessments for students who are experiencing difficulty with regular programs.
We provide a wide range of extra-curricular programs for each division. We offer recess house leagues, many competitive sporting events, choir, chess club, W5H teams,etc. We supplement the curriculum with speakers, plays, excursions, neighborhood walks and all forms of audio-visual materials.